Sunday, September 27, 2009


Hello Everyone! Sorry it took me so long to get on I've been soo busy with everything in this country. I'm doing fine I had a little rough time with jet lag and lack of food. I've been taking lots of pictures my little camera has come in quite handy. I was in tokyo all weekend, we went to the tokyo game show, shinjuku, and harajuku. I've got lots of photos and its been quite a task getting to the internet. Everything is on my picasa album even some video. I'll be updating this again tonight as the internet will be fully on in our apartment tonight. If you need to get ahold of me I'm using skype and aim my just look up nick.strite on skype and my aim is nickstrite. Hopefully I'll find a decent wifi place near my apartment so we shall.
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  1. Nick,Glad you are having fun checking out Tokyo and Atsugi. Thanks for posting all the photos. Love you, MOM

  2. GReat Pics! Love the Game show photos. how is the food?
